Buxton - Railway Hotel
Station Road : SK17 6BS
In 1891 a new cinder track was laid by Gustav Müller, the landlord of the Railway Hotel. The track was behind the hotel and can clearly be seen on the old-maps.co.uk 1898 map of Buxton.

The Derbyshire Times has a report on the first race there which was held on Saturday May 23rd 1891 "The track is about nine laps to the mile, so that good times are out of the question. There were two spills by safeties colliding, but fortunately the riders were not much hurt." The races were; 400 yards bicycle, 2 miles bicycle handicap (2 heats and the final), two running races and a ‘Potato race'.

Gustav Müller was taken ill suddenly and died in 1896 aged 47, leaving a widow and four children. The hotel is now the Railway at Buxton and the track has been built on.

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